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Here is a new track from Fatia Niggas, titled " PICK UP By Formuler Brain ft…
ALWAYS LOOK YOUR BEST ! BE DETERMINED....! Determination is the key. Ask great achievers how they made it to where they are. Their answers to the question will always be the same; determination! When you are determined to achieve a thing, invisible forces will back you up. Action is what pushes you from where you are to where you want to be. Be positive. Your mindset has a lot to do with what you tend to achieve. What are you passionate about? Remember, we are already in the 7th month of the year, what do you want to look back to in the year as your achievement(s)? Give that thought of your heart another look and act promptly concerning it. Mike Ditka postulates: "I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. I think if you are determined enough, and willing to pay the price, you can get it done." The new day is like an open cheque. What will you like to write on it? Write success, progress, advancement, lifting inside it, then back these with your *Collocations with TIME ⏰* *♥️ Free/Spare Time* 👉Time in which you have no obligations, and you can do whatever you want. 🎈In my free time, I enjoy reading, painting, and cooking. *📗 Have Time* 👉Be available to do something. 🎈I’d like to take violin lessons, but I don’t have enough time. *📗 Kill Time / Pass The Time* 👉Do something to make the time pass faster while you’re waiting for something else. 🎈Let’s bring some magazines to help pass the time on the train ride. *📗 Take Your Time* 👉You can use as much time as you want, you don’t have to go fast. 🎈“I like all of these computers. I’m not sure which one I want to buy yet.” “That’s OK – take your time.”