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The human mind basically, is really just “you”. It may be seen by some others as the central nervous system of the body, your brain really. It is in some ways your perception of reality, for reality to you, really is nothing but electrical impulses interpreted by the brain. You are able to read this only because your eyes are able to relay this to your brain as signals, and then interpreted by your brain as words with meanings. The whole process takes about a fraction of a second, yet it seems so instant to you because the human mind is not a hundred percent accurate.
The mind is our most potent weapon, and also our greatest weakness. Ever had a dream that seemed so real? Or had a hallucination? This goes to prove that our minds are not faultless machines. For in a dream there is no stimulus to be perceived; your brain just makes up electrical impulses for itself. This makes it relatively easy to trick the mind. This ability for the brain to make up signals for itself is most likely what also confers us with the ability to imagine. And according to Albert Einstein, imagination is better than knowledge. Imagination may be what separates us from the lesser animals. There is no other machine on the planet that quite perceives reality as our minds does. We are self-aware only because of our beautiful minds. This is what places us at the top of the food chain. There may be more neurones in your brain than there are stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The brain, like a muscle, gets better and stronger with usage. Do not let it remain dormant, for also like a muscle, it tends to thin out, and become obsolete for its purpose. History presents us with instances to show what extra-ordinary things our minds are capable of; from the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, to Isaac Newton, to Nikola Tesla. The list is endless. Do not die away without marking your footprint in the sands of time as these men have, for that is the only true way to be immortal (that is if you do not subscribe to the many-worlds theory of quantum mechanics; where there are an infinite number of universes, and an infinite number of you). That should be the one true goal of any human –besides being happy.
I would advise against blindly accepting as fact, certain dogmas of society, culture or even your religion that may be ills to the development of your mind. For like all human inventions, they are not always infallible. Do not judge a situation or person by its look, for the nicest person you may ever meet, may be covered in tattoos while the worst may be a nun. Picture these two men in your mind: one is a great public speaker, an artist, a great military strategist, a vegetarian, married faithfully to only one wife, abstained from alcohol for most of his adult life. The other is a stubborn man who neglected his wife greatly, divorced her and married his cousin, partied through most weekends of his youth, and betrayed his home-country. Now, what if I told you that the first man is Adolf Hitler and the other is Albert Einstein? Would you believe it?  I would not be the one to speak on morals and ethics, as (from my opinion) all human behaviours are necessary. This is portrayed by Italian Renaissance writer, Niccolo Machiavelli in his popular book “The Prince”. In about 5 billion years or so, our sun must have died out, and life in our solar system’s surfaces will likely go extinct –If at all we survive its expansion into a red giant first, and nothing anyone has ever done will be remembered. So do whatever is needed for victory, whenever it is needed. No life matters, and we are all really nothing in the vast expanse of it all. Although, you may want to hold faith that the human race must have evolved further than we presently are now, and must have taken a stronger foothold outside our solar system, or even galaxy. The truth is that someday, life and the universe in general, is most likely going to end. Today, there are theories of how our universe was kicked started into form from the remains of its dead parent, and how this all may just be an endless cycle.

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